About me

Katja Vlcek
Due to my own severe myopia and the related difficulties (for instance teasing by other children, bad vision, headache) I am devoted to integral coherences of vision and perception for several decades. Thereby I focus on the impact of thoughts, feelings and perspectives on the perception.
Thus, I address the following topics:
- How do I see myself?
- How do I see my surroundings and other people?
- How do I cope with stresses and strains?
- What are the effects of my experience on my perception?
The dealing with these topics affected my way of seeing:
- I perceive the world and myself from different perceptives.
- I treat myself and my eyes in a more caring way.
- Psychotherapist (Family Therapy) since 2006
- Work with clients presenting a variety of requests (problems with the eyes, panic, depression, gambling, burn-out, chronic pains, mobbing, inferior self-esteem) in own practice and other institutions
- Several years of work as a social worker for homeless people in Vienna and Paris
- Training of and individual support to unemployed people; Management of projects for unemployed young people and people above 50
- Project management - counselling via internet and telephone
- Languages: German, English, French